The Musicians with Disability and Albinism Project is a one-of-a-kind project that provides a platform and opportunities for differently abled musicians and people living with albinism. The project participants represent all people from all cultural diversity and the project strives to build the spirit of ubuntu.
Following the excellent project proposal which seeks to empower one of the vulnerable groups in society, The Musicians with Disability and Albinism Project was successfully funded by the National Arts Council under the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme in 2023.
The Musicians with Disability and Albinism Project was successfully implemented and created a platform to compose and produce music that seeks to address societal issues ranging from mobilising the community, especially young people towards positive transformation, combating crime, reducing unemployment and the diversity of the project participants and beneficiaries played a critical role in promoting social cohesion. These project activities aligned with the focus areas of the National Arts Council which are seeking to improve the lives of arts practitioners and South Africa as a whole through the arts.
Through this project, 40 direct jobs were created, and the beneficiaries were differently-abled people and people living with albinism. In addition, the project also created indirect employment by procuring services such as transportation, catering and refreshments, and the rehearsal space which benefited various businesses in the community where the project was implemented.
The Project leader Mr Leonard Ntsepe has expressed his sincere gratitude to the NAC and the Presidency for their unwavering support in the form of providing funding for his project, support and guidance during the implementation of their project. He further added that the NAC must continue to empower the vulnerable groups to ensure that they also benefit from government initiatives.
Should you wish to support Mr Leonard Ntsepe Loate’s project to be sustainable he can be reached by email at