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PESP Frequently Asked Questions

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PESP Frequently Asked Questions

PESP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
19 March 2021

My status on GMS says ‘Provisionally Approved’ or ‘Under Review’ – What does this mean?
Some projects were ‘provisionally approved’, based on compliance issues.   These matters are being attended to and the status of these applicants will be changed accordingly.   This process is currently underway.

What is a GNL?
A GNL is a Grant Notification Letter which is sent to applicants to confirm their successful outcome. It outlines the grant amount that will be allocated and details the steps applicants need to take for the contracting phase to begin.  Applicants who were approved between December 2020 and February 2021 will receive a revised GNL with the new adjusted Guiding Figure.

My outcome has been announced but I have not received any communication from the NAC.  When can I expect to receive a Grant Notification Letter?
All successful applicants should have received a Grant Notification Letter (GNL) via email from the GMS portal.
GNLs will be sent to applicants that are provisionally approved or under review as soon as these matters have been resolved.

The granted amount on my GNL has changed. Why is this?
Due to the overwhelming amount of applications received and the high demand in the sector, the Council took a decision to amend the Guiding Figure downwards to accommodate as many compliant applications as possible.  The Guiding Figure has been adjusted to R10, 895.00 per job opportunity, this means that projects approved at the initial guiding figure are now approved at the adjusted guiding figure.

How do I submit my signed Revised GNL?
All signed Revised GNLs need to be uploaded and saved in the Revised Activities and Budget section on the GMS portal.  Applicants experiencing problems with the SUBMIT button should click the “save” button to successfully submit these documents.   The “save” button has the same functionality as the “submit” button.

How do I submit my revised Budget and Activity Plan?
Please click the “SUBMIT” or “SAVE” button to successfully submit the required information and documentation.   The “save” button has the same functionality as the “submit” button.

What happens after I have submitted my revised budget, activity plans and/or compliance documents on the GMS portal?
The NAC will process and verify all submitted documents, including revised budgets and activity plans.   If there are no discrepancies with the revised documents, the NAC will proceed with issuing a contract, which beneficiaries will need to sign and return to the NAC through the GMS portal.    Upon receipt of the signed contract and finalisation of all compliance matters, payments will be processed.   Applicants who are experiencing challenges with submitting documents via the GMS portal may submit these via email –

I am having difficulty retrieving my Tax clearance certificate, Tax Pin and/or VAT certificate from SARS. What should I do?
Applicants are encouraged to get in touch with SARS or visit their nearest SARS branch to ensure that their Tax Status is compliant.   Compliancy of tax requirements at the time of contracting and submission of a payment request will be checked against the original tax information submitted. If the applicant’s tax status is still valid, this will be acceptable. If the applicant’s tax status is invalid at the time of a payment request being submitted, the applicant will be contacted to update their tax status.

Job Opportunities indicated in the contract
Due to the challenges being experienced by beneficiaries to fulfil the required number of job opportunities, applicants may adjust the number of jobs stipulated in the contract, within reason.   Applicants should advise the NAC accordingly.

I have a challenge with completing Annexure B of the contract
Applicants who are experiencing challenges with completing and/or submitting Annexure B with their signed contract can submit a ‘blank Annexure B’ at this stage.  However, a fully completed Annexure B will need to accompany the interim report so that the 2nd tranche can be paid.

Signature of witnesses on contract
When returning a contract, beneficiaries must ensure that the main signatory and the witness initials each page, as well as signing on the last page of the contract.

I have signed and returned my contracts, but have not yet been paid.
All signed and returned contracts are currently being processed for payment, pending compliance checks.   Some applicants will have already received their payment.   The NAC is working hard to ensure that payments are expedited as speedily as possible.

Will all payments be processed by the 31st of March 2021?
The NAC will continue with payments beyond 31 March 2021to those beneficiaries who have been issued with GNLs and/or contracts.   The NAC will also meet its contractual obligations with those beneficiaries who have received GNLs.

I am concerned that the 2nd tranche of the contract with the new Guiding Figure will not be paid.
Beneficiaries who have signed contracts with the new Guiding Figure can be assured of receiving the 2nd tranche payment, as these amounts have been approved, allocated and applied to the contract.

How does the new Guiding Figure affect me if I signed a contract with the old Guiding Figure?
Beneficiaries who have returned a signed contract with the original Guiding Figure, but have not yet been paid, will receive an addendum based on the new Guiding Figure.   Beneficiaries are required to sign and return the addendum for the NAC to proceed with payments.  Beneficiaries will forfeit their grant if the addendum is not signed and returned.

If I was contracted against the old Guiding Figure and have already received my 1st instalment, will I be paid the full value of my contract?
According to the new Guiding Figure, overfunded and paid recipients will not receive the 2nd tranche of 30% as per the initial signed contract.   Addenda are currently being distributed to these beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries will not be required to return any monies to the NAC if the 1st instalment of the original signed contract is greater than the new Guiding Figure contract amount.

My project may not be COVID-19 compliant. Will this affect my outcome and/or my grant?
It is incumbent upon all PESP beneficiaries to strictly adhere to the current COVID-19 regulations.

When and how do I need to submit my report, and can I get the reporting template?
Beneficiaries who were paid the 1st instalment against the old Guiding Figure are due to submit a final report by 31 March 2021.
Beneficiaries who have received contracts with the new Guiding Figure are due to submit their interim and final reports as per the contract dates.
An online reporting form will be available on the GMS.

When do I need to complete my PESP project?
All PESP projects need to be completed by the end of May 2021, as per the date indicated in the contract.

Provincial 10-Day OVER-DRIVE Plan
To expedite the completion of contracts and payments, the NAC has set up a team of provincial representatives who will be assisting applicants with completing and/or uploading contracts and other required supporting documents, who are having challenges in this regard. The team, comprising NAC Provincial Council Members and other appointed representatives is listed on the website.

PESP hotline: 011 010 8850 or email

View the above FAQs on PDF here.


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