Johannesburg – The NAC welcomes the creative and cultural sector for another PESP Industry Briefing. This webinar provides weekly updates on the progress made in respect of the disbursement of the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP) and how the funds are distributed. This follows the previous briefing session, which was held on Friday, the 18th of June 2021.
The NAC received an allocation of R300 million, of which R285 million was distributed for PESP funding. As of today, the following milestones have been achieved:
- The NAC announced a total of 1 331 applicants that were approved for the PESP funding.
- To date, a total of R227 895 959.10 (two hundred and twenty-seven million eight hundred and ninety-five thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine rand and ten cents) has been paid to 1 309 beneficiaries, which is a combination of 70% of the grant value (the first tranche) and the full grant amounts payable to beneficiaries.
- We can now say that 98% of 1 331 beneficiaries have now received 70% of the grant value (the first tranche).
- As of this afternoon, there is only one first tranche payment outstanding to beneficiaries who have returned their contract. Outstanding contracts include 10 contracts still to be sent to beneficiaries on receipt of the revised required information, 7 contracts sent but not yet received back from beneficiaries and one contract with specific queries.
- Second tranche payments are being paid in various intervals following receipt of the required reporting.
- The NAC has, to date, paid around 38% of all beneficiaries their final tranche, following the verification of their reports. This is made up of 81% of Stream 1 beneficiaries and 24% of Stream 2 beneficiaries.
- The anticipated number of job opportunities retained and created by contracts returned now stands at over 26 000, however, this will be finalised upon receipt of all final reports.
The NAC would like to remind beneficiaries that an extension has been granted until 30th June 2021. This means that all beneficiaries must submit their reports and complete their projects within the new timeframe. If projects will not be completed before this date, we request beneficiaries to advise us via email, if not already done so.
Reporting is open on the GMS portal, and beneficiaries can view the requirements and guidelines for reporting on the NAC website:
The NAC is still experiencing a large number of queries with reports received from beneficiaries, particularly in relation to interim reports, which is impacting the process and delaying the finalisation of reports and payments. This is mainly in relation to the reconciliation of expenses, whereby the NAC is unable to reconcile between the expenses reflected on the interim report and the evidence of expenses being provided. We are appealing to all beneficiaries to submit clear financial information of how expenditure from the first tranche was made, and to provide proof of payment by means of a bank statement reflecting or referencing these expenses, proof of payments or receipts for cash payments, as lack of this is causing further delay in reviewing other reports submitted.
Interim reports should indicate the project activities that have already taken place and provide proof of expenditure already incurred. Once verified by the NAC, this must be followed by the submission of the final report, which should indicate the remaining activities and expenditure to complete the project. Final reports will be accessible to all beneficiaries on the GMS portal upon approval of the interim report.
We urge beneficiaries to submit correct and credible proof of expenditure as part of their interim reporting as insufficient information is delaying the process considerably. We further urge beneficiaries to check on their tax status, as payment can only be made to beneficiaries who are tax compliant. We further request that beneficiaries who have not yet submitted their interim reports, do so as soon as possible.
We thank all beneficiaries who have shared their innovative projects with us, and the invitations received to events. Since the beginning of April 2020, over 126 PESP funded events have been published on our website’s Event Calendar. Additionally, we have shared posters and content related to PESP funded programming across all our social media platforms. This includes 67 posts on Facebook, 97 tweets and retweets on Twitter and 239 posts on Instagram and Instagram Stories. We continue to urge beneficiaries to share their invites, press releases, press coverage as well as posters and marketing material with us by tagging us on our social media pages and via email at
All beneficiaries are encouraged to incorporate the new PESP logo in all their PESP-related marketing collateral such as posters, flyers and digital content. This logo must be used in conjunction with NAC and DSAC’s logos. These elements are available for download on our website, here:
Appeals by unsuccessful applicants must be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the decline letter. A formal letter of appeal must be sent to or
With regards to the processes unfolding towards the announcement of the NAC Call for Funding for 2021/22, Council will be hosting its Strategic Planning Session on 16 and 17 July 2021 to finalise plans for the NAC trajectory for the next four years. The Council intends to host focused Industry Consultations, prior to the sitting of the Strategic Planning Session. The outcomes of the session will provide the NAC with the direction on what the call for applications will focus on, amongst other NAC activities.
Following our update regarding provincial partners for COVID 19 relief funding disbursement, the second review for this process is currently underway and due for completion at the end of July.
Provincial Roadshows will be held timeously to create awareness of the NAC Funding guidelines, funding criteria, navigating the Grant Management System and assessment criteria to assist applicants.
This Council remains fully committed to successfully completing the PESP process to ensure that the PESP funds reach all beneficiaries, enabling them to retain and create the much-needed job opportunities in our sector.
For Media Enquiries: Council Spokesperson, Cllr. Tshepo Mashiane – 072 037 3358