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Message from the Council – PESP Industry Briefing, 13 August 2021

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Message from the Council – PESP Industry Briefing, 13 August 2021

Johannesburg – The NAC welcomes the creative and cultural sector to another PESP Industry Briefing. These webinars provide weekly updates on the progress made concerning the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP) and the disbursement of funds, as well as other NAC activities. This webinar follows the previous briefing session, which was held on Friday, the 6th of August 2021.

The NAC received an allocation of R300 million, of which R285 million was allocated for PESP funding. As of today, we have achieved the following milestones:

  1. A total amount of R257 958 715 (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN MILLION, NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN RAND) has been paid to 1 309 beneficiaries, which is a combination of 70% of the grant value (the first tranche) and the total grant amounts payable to beneficiaries.
  2. Second tranche payments are being paid in various intervals following receipt of the required reporting from beneficiaries.
  3. The number of beneficiaries who have received their final tranche has increased to 71%, following the submission and verification of their reports. These payments are made up of 91% of Stream 1 beneficiaries and 63% of Stream 2 beneficiaries.
  4. The anticipated number of job opportunities retained and created is being verified and finalised upon receipt of all final reports.
  5. 553 PESP funded events have been published on our website’s Event Calendar and across all our social media platforms.


The acceptance of PESP reports and outstanding payments to PESP beneficiaries is continuing, and as the project draws to a close, all beneficiaries are required to submit their reports as they have been contacted to do so. Beneficiaries who require assistance with reporting can let us know, and one of our team members will gladly assist by phone or zoom.   The NAC understands the urgency of completing the reviewing of reports and the need for final payments to be made and are making it a priority to ensure that beneficiaries who have already submitted their reports are paid as quickly as possible.

Since payments can only be made to tax compliant beneficiaries, we emphasise the need for beneficiaries to check on their tax status.

The DSAC Appeals Committee is reviewing NAC’s appeal applications.

We thank all beneficiaries who have shared their innovative projects with us, and the invitations received to events. We continue to urge beneficiaries to share any updates and press coverage with us by tagging us on our social media pages or via email at

This Council remains fully committed to successfully completing the PESP process, which enabled the retention and creation of much-needed job opportunities in our sector.

The Council is pleased to announce that the call for funding for both Project Funding & International Bursaries were announced on the 7th of August 2021. We encourage Arts Practitioners to check our website and social media platforms for information on how to apply. The closing date for Project funding and International Bursaries is 3 September 2021. Outcomes will be announced on 5 December 2021 and 31 October 2021, respectively.

Council has resolved to follow a “Discipline-Based” approach towards the Call for Funding. This approach means that practitioners will be able to submit their applications for project funding in the disciplines of craft, dance, literature, multidiscipline, music, theatre, and visual arts. Due to limited funding allocated for the year, the minimum funding that applicants can apply for is R50 000 and the maximum funding that applicants can apply for is limited to R350 000, spreading the funding to more arts practitioners.

In addition, the call for International Bursaries now includes undergraduates in all disciplines, instead of focusing only on Post Graduate bursaries. The maximum funding that applicants can apply for is limited to R250 000 per annum.

Virtual Provincial Roadshows will be held to create awareness of the NAC Funding guidelines, funding criteria, navigating the Grant Management System and assessment criteria to assist applicants. Due to the rising challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic in alignment with the current level 3 lockdown regulations, the NAC will be in alignment with every effort to ensure the safety of all our Stakeholders by migrating this initiative to a virtual engagement. We encourage beneficiaries to use the GMS as it is zero-rated, this means that applicants need to have enough data to get into the system, thereafter, the costs are borne by the NAC.

The NAC invites all competent, suitably qualified and interested persons to serve as members of the NAC Advisory Panel for a period of three (3) years from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2024. The potential members of the NAC Panels are required to have knowledge and expertise in the fields of craft, dance, literature, multidiscipline, music, theatre, and visual arts. The closing date for all nominations is 20 August 2021.

This Women’s Month, the NAC continues to host its womxn-led webinar series titled, “Roadmap to Success: Womxn in the Arts”. This webinar series aims to initiate knowledge sharing platforms between established and emerging professionals from the arts, culture, and heritage sectors. The last two sessions of this webinar series will take place on the 18th and 25th of August 2021 at 2 pm on Zoom and live-streamed on NAC’s Facebook page. For more information on this meaningful initiative, please visit our website or social media platforms.



For Media Enquiries: Council Spokesperson, Cllr. Tshepo Mashiane – 072 037 3358
