Media Statement: For immediate release
10 September 2022
Today, the National Arts Council of South Africa (NAC) wishes to announce and congratulate the list of successful applicants who responded to the 2022 Call for Funding across four (4) arts disciplines, for the funding call which opened on the 17th May 2022 and closed on the 17th June 2022.
139 applications were successful, across the performing arts disciplines that were earmarked during this call for funding. A total of R26 240 008.72 was available for Music (R6 490 033.22), Dance (R5 000 000.00) Theatre (R5 310 027.18) and Multidiscipline (R9 440 048.32).
Of the 2 374 applications received, only 829 applications were compliant and referred to the NAC Advisory Panels for adjudication. This means only 34.9% of the applications received were worthy to be considered by the panels, and 64.1% had to be declined.
The NAC has noted with great concern the number of applications that did not proceed to adjudication due to administrative non-compliance. These applications failed to adhere to the requirements stated in the Call for Funding guidelines, such a certified copies of identity documents, signed and dated references letters with addresses and correct confirmation of banking details to name a few. This is of serious concern to the NAC Council who, at the beginning of its term, removed several barriers that have previously prevented arts practitioners from submitting their applications or being declined. The barriers removed included requirements for company financial statements, a valid tax certificate submitted at application stage, and 6-months certified copy of ID.
In an effort to ease restrictive application restrictions, Council resolved that only successful applicants would be required to submit a valid tax certificate at contracting stage. Council also resolved that only financial statements related to the NAC funded projects needed to be submitted at the conclusion of the project, and that a 12-month certified copy of ID was required.
Management embarked on capacity building initiatives to assist the sector with the application processes from 03-10 June 2022. Physical as well as virtual workshops were held. Prospective applicants were also taken through a process of navigating the Grant Management System. In total 9 workshops were held covering all provinces.
It is however regrettable that the majority of received applications did not qualify to be adjudicated because they were not within the performance and showcase category as specified on the guidelines. It can also mean that the industry may have lost out to some of the most creative ideas.
Council and Management are pleased to inform the sector that all adjudications on applications were done by qualified industry experts in the Arts sector. Each art discipline adjudication Panel was Chaired by a Council Member, who only played an oversight role and did not participate in any adjudication process. This was in accordance with Section 11(2) of the National Arts Council Act of 1997.
The National Arts Council wish to thank the sector for positively responding to this call to submit their creative proposals and congratulate all those applicants whose applications were successful.
A full list of successful applicants for the four (4) disciplines is now available on the NAC website on
Issued by the National Arts Council of South Africa