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Media Statement 16 April 2018: Outcome of the NAC Chief Executive Officer Disciplinary Hearing

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Media Statement 16 April 2018: Outcome of the NAC Chief Executive Officer Disciplinary Hearing

In the spirit of transparency and as previously communicated with our stakeholders, the National Arts Council (NAC) wishes to announce that the disciplinary hearing of the Chief Executive Officer, Ms Rosemary Mangope, has been concluded. The NAC also wishes to announce a not-guilty verdict outcome on all charges that were laid against the CEO based on a forensic investigation report by Gobodo tabled to Council in 2018.

The Executive Committee of Council met on 11 April 2019 to discuss the outcomes of the disciplinary hearing and took a resolution to lift the special leave granted to the CEO in September 2018 based on the not guilty verdict outcome. The CEO, Ms Rosemary Mangope will resume her duties at the NAC with immediate effect.

The Council remains undeterred in ensuring that the organisation serves its stakeholders, especially artists, arts organisations and the arts-loving community, to the best of its ability and will support the CEO and staff in achieving this.

Mr. Hartley Ngoato
NAC Chairperson


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