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Applicant Contact Session: COVID-19 Relief Fund for Provincial Partners

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Applicant Contact Session: COVID-19 Relief Fund for Provincial Partners
NAC National Arts Council Contact Session COVID-19 Relief Fund Provincial Partners Funding Artists Creative Sector

The NAC has limited funding available to partner with organisations in the respective nine (9) provinces to disburse the COVID-19 relief funds aimed at supporting arts organisations and individual artists affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The NAC is inviting organisations to submit proposals though the online application to the NAC. Applicants that have capacity and a proven record of accomplishment in implementing art programmes and that can fulfil the role of disbursing of the relief funds.   The NAC is looking to partner with up to four (4) organisations in each province.

Special consideration will be given to projects that have:

  • A proven track record of implementing arts projects,
  • Appropriate financial controls, effective governance and management structures in place.
  • Ability to comply with all NAC administrative requirements
  • Clear and detailed plan with time lines on how the process of disbursement of relief funds would be implemented
  • Detailed explanation on how the awareness of Covid-19 relief funds disbursements would be created.

Prospective recipients of this funding should have the capacity to utilise the funding with integrity and comply with the principles and practices of sound governance, within the required timelines.

The NAC is already receiving applications for Covid-19 Provincial Partnership applications. In light of this, the NAC would like to invite you to attend the planned Contact Sessions, in which the application process, the funding criteria and application form will be discussed.

The session will be held as per below details:

Date: 21 January 2021
Time: 2 pm to 4 pm
Place: Zoom @ Your Location

Please be advised that the Zoom link will be provided for applicants who have sent their RSVP to Connie at or Setty at by Wednesday, 20 January 2021.

Read more about the criteria for this COVID19 Relief Fund here.


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