Thank you to all the applicants who successfully applied for the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme. We are hopeful that the projects funded by this initiative will, indeed, revive the creative sector.
Please note that adjudication is still underway, due to the high volumes of applications that were received. In order for each application to be adjudicated fairly, the necessary processes have to be completed.
Stream one contracts are currently being finalised and sent out in batches. Applicants are encouraged to return their signed contracts, as soon as possible. If you have not received your contract, kindly check the spam folder in your email or log into the GMS portal.
We are in the process of finalising and sending out Grant Notification Letters and contracts for Stream two applications, whose outcomes have been announced.
We had promised that we will make final announcements for the outstanding Stream two outcomes, by the end of January 2021, and we are on track to achieve that goal. Please keep an eye out for further communique about these outcomes on our website, social media platforms and via the GMS portal.
All applicants who are awarded funding will need to prove that they are COVID-19 compliant as per current regulations. As a result, applications that were made and were presented as large crowd pullers may not be funded. Please click here for the current COVID-19 Regulations (as of 12 January 2021).
Get in touch with us by sending us an email on or by calling us on 011 010 8850.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process.