The applicant is requesting funds to elevate the profile of local artists in Soweto, creating a compelling township product that stimulates entrepreneurship amongst artists, contribute to the township economy and provide market access platforms. Intervention with multiple participants will be conducted virtually. If there needs to be contact with participants, the project will apply the rule washing hands, keeping physical distancing and wearing of mask. The organisation will identify 5 artists whose work contributes to the Soweto economy and culture. The artists lack development, exposure, recognition and critical linkages to Soweto’s amazing touristic and artistic opportunities. The artists, at different stages of development, will work across diverse mediums. Artists have in common their desire to tell stories of township people and township life. Their combined work will provide a compelling township tourism and artistic product if narrated in an accessible format.
1 Nov. 2020 Africa!Ignite and Soweto Tourism to proactively support artists through marketing their art, merchandise and art tours/experiences – even beyond project completion, including packaging art experiences and acting as co-host on AirBnB, promoting art and merchandise to local and international client base.
Online – local and international platforms.