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Emergency Applications

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Emergency Applications


Emergency Funding is funds that are reserved for art practitioners who have received an invitation to perform overseas. This funding can only be considered for performances that take place outside of the NAC funding calls.

Art practitioners who may be interested in applying for Emergency Funding must make an inquiry with the relevant discipline Art Development Officer by emailing a letter of invitation from the institution who have invited them.  


Art practitioners must be aware that the emergency fund is limited therefore not all applications may be approved.

 NOTE: Applications that have missed or ignored the closing dates for applications will not be considered through the Emergency Funding Policy.

Compliant applications are recommended and motivated by the Arts Development Officer to the relevant Advisory Panel for consideration by the NAC.  

Arts practitioners and organisations applying for emergency funding are required to submit a completed NAC application form.

The NAC requires 20 working days to respond to a request for emergency funding, provided all the required documents have been submitted. 

The institution that has invited the art practitioner or organisation must cover some costs such as accommodation, local travel and performance fees.

The maximum amount that may be granted for emergency applications is R250 000. Please see conditions for touring projects, residencies and conferences.